Address: 32873 Groesbeck Hwy, Fraser MI 48026 586-758-3330
Services: Broach Welding Specialist; Custom Fabrications
In Business Since: April 1976
Business Description: The business started in April 1976 as a small welding and broaching company that expanded over the years.
Carl and his son Stephen now have over 100 years of welding experience, specifically in butt welding on broken tools.
Century Tool Welding has three different butt welding machines that can perform many operations and repair broaches.
It's a trade that few people perform any more. Along with that they also have over 20 years of heat treat experience.
Century Tool Welding is a certified bridge construction welder.
Service Area: Located in the heart of Macomb county and centered in the metro Detroit area.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am - Noon, By appointment.